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Watermelon, Mache, and Pecan Salad

From Dothan, Alabama

<p>Mache is a tender heirloom variety of lamb&#8217;s lettuce that has a slightly sweet, nutty flavor, but the salad is equally good prepared with baby lettuces.</p>
Source: Southern Living Farmers Market Cookbook
Servings: 6 - 8 servings
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Watermelon-Blueberry Salad

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A red, white, and blue salad that&#8217;s perfect for a 4th of July cookout! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: watermelon, berries, feta, mint
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Watermelon-Mint Iced Tea

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A refreshing summertime drink made with locally grown mint and melons! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: watermelon, tea, honey, mint
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Wheat berries, cooked

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>The definition of &#8220;whole grain&#8221; eating. Chewy and satisfying&#8212; they can help you with breakfast options, easy lunch-on-the-go options and wonderful one-pot dinner options. They can be cooked ahead and frozen in recipe-sized bags for easy use on the night in question.</p>
Source: The book of common sense cooking
Servings: 2-3 recipes worth
Ingredient keywords: wheat
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Wheat Berry Cranberry Salad

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Tart, sweet, chewy and satisfying. Maybe an accompaniment to Thanksgiving dinner? A few modifications would make it a nice hot stuffing/dressing too.</p>
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: wheat
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Wheat Berry Pudding

From Farm Where Life is Good

<p>Warm and satisfying; an alternative to rice pudding with more fiber and a heartier chew.</p>
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: wheat, maple
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Wheat Berry Salad with spinach, almonds, chevre or feta cheese

From Suncoast Co-op

<p>This salad gives you a good serving of fiber, calcium, B1 and B3 plus it is low in fat and calories. It&#8217;s tasty and easy to make. Serve as a meal,with a sandwich, or with a main entree. I served mine with Suncoast porkchops from naturally raised pork but it would go well with the naturally raised chicken and beef the co-op offers for purchase too. You can also make this a vegan meal by eliminating the cheese. Enjoy</p> Vegetarian! Vegan!
Servings: 4-6 servings
Ingredient keywords: shallots, cherry, onion, almonds, spinach, cheese
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Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Coconut and Ginger

From Statesboro Market2Go

<p>A super-simple sweet potato side! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p> Vegetarian!
Servings: 10-12
Ingredient keywords: potato, butter, ginger
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White Bean Chicken Soup

From Stones River Market

<p>Even though we are enjoying warm weather, it is still winter so here is a soup recipe to try from Yummly and How Sweet it is.</p>
Source: Yummly and how sweet it is (
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: chicken, bacon, onion, leek, mushroom, garlic, spinach, chicken
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White Bean Turnip Soup

From The Wednesday Market

<p>modified from taste of home recipe, beans make the soup filling</p>
Source: Taste of Homes cookbook - Carmen Westerfield
Servings: 6
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